Victoria Business Development Forum
on 26th May

Eddie Zhao

International Business Development Manager, Victorian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

The speech topic

Australia’s Top Exports in 2024, Overseas Market Analysis

Export Subsidy Overview with Application Process.

Yunfeng Jiao 焦云峰

NetEase Kaola Global Ubuy Project Partner,

Master of Business Administration, University of Canberra, Australia

The speech topic

In the post-pandemic era: Opportunities and Challenges for Promoting Australian Products in the Chinese Market!

Comparing Advantages of Chinese Cross-border E-commerce Platforms.

Yu Wang 王玉

University of South Australia DBA

Australian National University MBA

BMW Group Certified Instructor

The speech topic

In the AI era, transforming workplace skills

How emotional intelligence empowers teams for greater competitiveness.

10:00 am

Eddie Zhao:
Prospects for Victoria’s Export Industry, Introduction to Export Subsidies, and Application Process

10:30 am

Yunfeng Jiao 焦云峰:
In the post-pandemic era: Opportunities and Challenges for Promoting Australian Products in the Chinese Market!

11:00 am

Pangzhen Zhang 张庞祯:
Australian Wine Technology Innovation and Industry Opportunities

11:30 am

New operational model for Australian wine industry in the new economy

马修 Mathew:

12:00 pm

How Australian Products Utilize Social Media for Sales and Customer Acquisition

1:30 pm

Chris Christodoulou:
Interest Rate Trends and Their Impact on Property Prices in the Second Half of the Year

2:00 pm

程璐 Lu Cheng & Geoff Green:
澳洲企业投资 – 股东利益保障与优质退出策略
Australian Business Investment: Safeguarding Shareholder Interests and Ensuring Quality Exit Strategies

2:30 pm

Tom Griffiths:
Prospects for the Development of Prefabricated Housing in Australia

3:00 pm

Joyce Zhao:
Secure Investment Strategies for Land Mortgage Loan Funds

3:30 pm

Xavier Zhang:
2024 Analysis of Monetary Policy in Major Global Economies

4:00 pm

Marshall Chen 马修:
Key Opportunities and Practical Guide for Digital Currency Investors in Australia in 2024

4:30 pm

Panel Discussion

Other Speakers 其他演讲人

  • Pangzhen Zhang 张庞祯

    墨尔本大学食品和葡萄酒专业博士生导师,教授,师从澳大利亚唯一红酒院士 Senior Lecturer (Food and Wine Science) School of Agriculture, Food and Ecosystem Sciences The University of Melbourne

  • 尚琨融

    澳洲传奇酒业创始人兼负责人 The founder and CEO of Australia Wine Legend

  • Mathew 马修

    南澳巴罗萨的朗美酒庄销售负责人 Sales Manager of Langmeil Winery in Barossa Valley, South Australia

  • Joreal

    Jorealask 创始人

  • Chris Christodoulou

    联邦银行手机银行业务经理 Commonwealth Bank Manager Mobile Banking

  • Lu Cheng 程璐

    睿杰律师事务所高级合伙人/商业诉讼法律专家 Robinson Gill Lawyers Principal/ Accredited Specialist in Commercial Litigation

  • Geoff Green

    商业法律顾问/企业退出策略专家 Commercial consultant/ business exit strategist

  • Tom Griffiths

    Australia Housing Co, CEO
    政府残疾人住房建筑商 The government's contractor for building housing for people with disabilities
    澳洲预制房第一品牌 Australia's top brand for prefabricated houses

  • Joyce Zhao

    澳星金融投资总监 Austar Investment Director

  • Marshall Chen 马修

    Digital Capital Group DAEX 首席运营官 Digital Capital Group Chief Operation Officer of DAEX
    社会经济学讲师 Socioeconomics Lecturer
    博士研究项目 PHD Research Project
    工商管理硕士 MBA

Hosts 主办方

Major Sponsors 钻石赞助商

Sponsors 黄金赞助商

Brands in Helloclubs 华与寻品牌联展

Co-organisers 协办方

Photography Sponsor 特约职业摄影

LED Sponsor 特约 LED 屏幕

Supporting Organisations 支持单位