Encore Guest 加场嘉宾
25th May in VIP Room
Tea Culture Explanation and Tea Tasting Event
James Shen 沈祉君
澳大利亚茶叶协会 Australia Tea Society
Jenny Li
澳大利亚茶叶协会 Australia Tea Society
中国国家一级茶艺技师 National First-Level Tea Art Technician of China
中国国家二级茶叶审评师 National Second-Level Tea Leaf Evaluator of China
上海大学茶叶与茶道学会海外导师 Overseas Mentor of the Tea and Tea Culture Society at Shanghai University
上海嘉定廷灿茶文化发展中心智库专家 Think Tank Expert at Jiading Tingcan Tea Culture Development Center in Shanghai
2010上海世博会高级茶艺师特训班优秀学员,茶席作品《壶流.韵》获第14届国际茶文化节演艺金奖(2008上海),从2006年起指导学生多次获得茶艺比赛的优秀奖 Outstanding student of the Advanced Tea Art Training Class at the 2010 Shanghai World Expo, with the tea table work "Pot Flow. Rhythm" winning the Performance Gold Award at the 14th International Tea Culture Festival (2008 Shanghai). Since 2006, has guided students to win multiple awards in tea art competitions.
26th May
AI 时代,培养引领未来的青少年
The Role of AI in Cultivating Future Leaders Among Youth
Po-shen Loh 罗博深
美国卡内基梅隆大学,数学系终身教授 Professor of Mathematics, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
国际奥林匹克数学赛,美国国家队主教练 (2013 - 2023) Head Coach of the US National Team for the International Mathematical Olympiad
登上CNN、华尔街日报、纽约时报、华盛顿邮报的数学家 Mathematician featured in CNN, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, and The Washington Post
Encore Guest 加场嘉宾
Mathematician featured in CNN, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, and The Washington Post
Po-shen Loh 罗博深
Professor of Mathematics, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
国际奥林匹克数学赛,美国国家队主教练 (2013 - 2023)
Head Coach of the US National Team for the International Mathematical Olympiad
Mathematician featured in CNN, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, and The Washington Post
James Shen 沈祉君
澳大利亚茶叶协会 Australia Tea Society
Outstanding student of the Advanced Tea Art Training Class at the 2010 Shanghai World Expo, with the tea table work "Pot Flow. Rhythm" winning the Performance Gold Award at the 14th International Tea Culture Festival (2008 Shanghai). Since 2006, has guided students to win multiple awards in tea art competitions.
Po-shen Loh 罗博深
Australia Tea Society
National First-Level Tea Art Technician of China
National Second-Level Tea Leaf Evaluator of China
Overseas Mentor of the Tea and Tea Culture Society at Shanghai University
Think Tank Expert at Jiading Tingcan Tea Culture Development Center in Shanghai
Outstanding student of the Advanced Tea Art Training Class at the 2010 Shanghai World Expo, with the tea table work "Pot Flow. Rhythm" winning the Performance Gold Award at the 14th International Tea Culture Festival (2008 Shanghai). Since 2006, has guided students to win multiple awards in tea art competitions.