Victoria Business Development Forum

25th May

26th May

  • Representatives from the Victorian Government
  • Representatives from universities
  • Representatives from economic research institutions
  • Digitalisation experts in enterprises
  • Representatives from various industry sectors
  • Analysis of the current status and future prospects of trade and economic development in Victoria
  • Policy interpretation
  • Supply and demand dynamics
  • Trends and hot topics in import and export products
  • Application of online digital platforms in trade
  • New trends in resource allocation in the era of digitalisation
  • Developmental strategies and new projects in investment fields such as securities, funds, cryptocurrencies, real estate, franchising, granny flats, and industrial operations
  • Opportunities and challenges for small and medium-sized enterprises
  • Innovation in business models
  • Digital marketing and management
  • Application of AI intelligence in enterprises
  • New trends and solutions in ancillary services for enterprises, including taxation, legal, loans, and financing
  • Prospects for the future of education and employment in Victoria
  • Future talent demands
  • Challenges and opportunities for education posed by artificial intelligence
  • Analysis of the new VCE syllabus
  • How enterprises can integrate with new technologies
  • Future application scenarios of artificial intelligence
  • Necessity and opportunities for digitalisation and the shared economy in small and medium-sized enterprises
  • Interpretation of Australian immigration policies
  • Introduction to various visa categories
  • Options and choices for investor immigrants
  • Retirement policies

Hosts 主办方

Major Sponsors 钻石赞助商

Sponsors 黄金赞助商

Brands in Helloclubs 华与寻品牌联展

Co-organisers 协办方

Photography Sponsor 特约职业摄影

LED Sponsor 特约 LED 屏幕

Supporting Organisations 支持单位